Master your health
We spend as much as 90% of our time indoor. With poor acoustics, you will quickly suffer from unpleasant noises, which can come from just about anywhere. This greatly affects functioning, such as increased heart rate, stress, headaches, etc.
Acoustics and health therefore constantly influence each other. Research shows that poor acoustics have a direct negative effect on health.
Good acoustics in the home, school or office are crucial for optimal concentration, reduced fatigue and better performance.

Master your design
Architects are looking to design a characterful façade while at the same time taking a smart approach to products so that they can combine the functional with the aesthetic.
In addition to a customer’s requirements, which might include acoustic requirements, buildings also need to satisfy a wide range of legal standards.
Sustainability, energy efficiency and the environment are always paramount. But the invisible factor – acoustics – is gaining attention. And for a good reason too. After all, a pleasant noise experience is just as important as other key factors.
And that’s why DUCO offers a wide range of acoustic ventilation and shading solutions, which beautifully combine aesthetics and functionality.

Master your acoustics
A professional team of DUCO engineers is constantly developing and testing new acoustic façade products. We simulate air flows, perform physical tests in our acoustic laboratory and work with acoustic consultancy firms. Nothing ever leaves without first having been subjected to thorough quality control or extensive testing.
In addition, the installation detail of our products is fully in line with the market, helping every product to fit seamlessly into any architectural situation.
It represents real added value for (acoustic) consultancy firms and prescribers who can recommend our products to their customers with absolute peace of mind.

Silence and
fresh air rolled into one

Projects in the spotlight
Sound-absorbing ventilation

Sound-absorbing vents
- Wide range of acoustic window vents
- A solution for every architectural situation
- Ideal for high-rise buildings

Through-wall ventilation
- Wall damper with adjustable inner grid
- For high noise exposure
- Ideal for renovation and protected façades

Ventilation through (sloping) roof
- For sloping roofs from 25 degrees
- For high noise exposure
- Excellent wind and waterproofing
Intensive acoustic ventilation

Sound-absorbing wall louvre
- Two versions available
- Architectural added value
- High air permeability

Built-in wall louvre with high attenuation properties
- For high noise exposure
- High air permeability
- Tailored to your project

Sound-absorbing louvre wall
- Ideal for blocking off technical rooms
- High wind and water resistance
- High air permeability
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