Installation & Maintenance

Our short instruction videos guide you step-by-step during the installation or servicing of DUCO products.

Installation & Maintenance
Maintenance window ventilators

Maintenance window ventilators

How do you clean a window ventilator? This video explains it to you step by step.
Maintenance instructions , Window ventilators
How to use the Duco Installation App?

How to use the Duco Installation App?

Configuring a DucoBox via the app? A piece of cake! Learn how to do it step-by-step in this video. Did you know that you get 1 year extra warranty when you correctly configure a DucoBox via the app?
Duco Installation App
Heat exchanger maintenance DucoBox Energy Premium

Heat exchanger maintenance DucoBox Energy Premium

How do you maintain or replace the heat exchanger of the DucoBox Energy Premium? Discover it step by step in this instructional video.
DucoBox Energy Premium , Maintenance instructions
Fan maintenance DucoBox Energy Premium

Fan maintenance DucoBox Energy Premium

In this video, watch the procedure for maintaining and possibly replacing the fans of the DucoBox Energy Premium.
DucoBox Energy Premium , Maintenance instructions
Frost protection unit maintenance DucoBox Energy Premium

Frost protection unit maintenance DucoBox Energy Premium

What steps should you take to maintain and/or replace the frost protection of the DucoBox Energy Premium? Find out in this instructional video.
DucoBox Energy Premium , Maintenance instructions
Condensate drain maintenance DucoBox Energy Premium

Condensate drain maintenance DucoBox Energy Premium

This is how to maintain the DucoBox Energy Premium's condensate drain! This short instruction video will help you get started.
Maintenance instructions , DucoBox Energy Premium
Bypass maintenance DucoBox Energy Premium

Bypass maintenance DucoBox Energy Premium

How do you maintain the bypass of a DucoBox Energy Premium?
DucoBox Energy Premium , Maintenance instructions
DucoBox Energy Comfort - How to replace the filters

DucoBox Energy Comfort - How to replace the filters

Cleaning or replacing the filters on DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus) models? Discover the procedure in this video.
DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus) , Maintenance instructions
DucoBox Energy Comfort - Heat Exchange Maintenance

DucoBox Energy Comfort - Heat Exchange Maintenance

Find out the correct procedure for maintaining and, if necessary, replacing the heat exchanger in the DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus).
Maintenance instructions , DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)
DucoBox Energy Comfort - How to maintain the condensate drain

DucoBox Energy Comfort - How to maintain the condensate drain

How do you check the condensate drain on DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus) models? Find out in this instructional video.
Maintenance instructions , DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)
Installation CO2 Box Sensor DucoBox Reno

Installation CO2 Box Sensor DucoBox Reno

How do you install a CO2 box sensor in the DucoBox Reno ventilation system?
Installation instructions , DucoBox Reno
How to clean or replace the filters of the DucoBox Energy Premium?
DucoBox Energy Premium , Maintenance instructions
Installation DucoBox Reno Duct Flange

Installation DucoBox Reno Duct Flange

How do you use a DUCO duct flange to connect ducts to a ventilation system such as the DucoBox Reno?
Installation instructions , DucoBox Reno
Installation of the DucoBox Reno

Installation of the DucoBox Reno

Complete the installation and calibration of the DucoBox Reno from A to Z assisted by this installation video. We will explain how to go about step by step.
Installation instructions , DucoBox Reno
Replace the DucoBox Reno circuit board

Replace the DucoBox Reno circuit board

How do you check or replace the printed circuit board in the DucoBox Reno?
DucoBox Reno , Maintenance instructions
DucoBox Reno Fan maintenance

DucoBox Reno Fan maintenance

In this step-by-step video, discover the most appropriate method for maintaining the DucoBox Reno's fan to perfection.
Maintenance instructions , DucoBox Reno
Replacing the power supply of the DucoBox Reno

Replacing the power supply of the DucoBox Reno

How do you replace the power supply of the DucoBox Reno?
Maintenance instructions , DucoBox Reno
Maintaining the 2-zone valve in the DucoBox Energy Premium

Maintaining the 2-zone valve in the DucoBox Energy Premium

Learn how to properly maintain the 2-zone valve in this video.
DucoBox Energy Premium , Maintenance instructions
Maintenance of the pressure sensors in the DucoBox Energy Premium

Maintenance of the pressure sensors in the DucoBox Energy Premium

How do you maintain the pressure sensors in the DucoBox Energy Premium MVHR ventilation box?
DucoBox Energy Premium , Maintenance instructions
Maintenance of the temperature sensors in the DucoBox Energy Premium

Maintenance of the temperature sensors in the DucoBox Energy Premium

Discover how to maintain the temperature sensors in this video.
DucoBox Energy Premium , Maintenance instructions
How do you replace the circuit board in the DucoBox Energy Premium?

How do you replace the circuit board in the DucoBox Energy Premium?

We explain it to you step by step in this handy video!
DucoBox Energy Premium , Maintenance instructions
How to install the Humidity Box sensor in the DucoBox Energy Premium

How to install the Humidity Box sensor in the DucoBox Energy Premium

Discover the procedure in this concise installation guide.
DucoBox Energy Premium , Installation instructions
How do you maintain the fans in the DucoBox Energy Comfort D325?

How do you maintain the fans in the DucoBox Energy Comfort D325?

Discover the procedure and handy tips in this instructional video.
DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus) , Maintenance instructions
Maintenance of the bypass DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)

Maintenance of the bypass DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)

Discover in a few steps how to maintain the bypass of a DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus) ventilation system.
Maintenance instructions , DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)
How to maintain the pressure sensors in a DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)?

How to maintain the pressure sensors in a DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)?

Discover the appropriate working method in this DUCO instruction video.
Maintenance instructions , DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)
How to maintain the temperature sensors in the DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)?

How to maintain the temperature sensors in the DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)?

Discover the procedure and handy tips in this video.
Maintenance instructions , DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)
How to maintain the circuit board of the DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)?
Maintenance instructions , DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)
Maintenance of the pre-heater of the DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus) models?

Maintenance of the pre-heater of the DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus) models?

We will explain that to you step by step in this instructional video.
Maintenance instructions , DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)
How to maintain the multi-zone valves of the DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)?

How to maintain the multi-zone valves of the DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)?

Discover all the steps in this handy instructional video.
Maintenance instructions , DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)
Maintenance of the fans DucoBox Energy Comfort D400 and DucoBox Energy Comfort Plus

Maintenance of the fans DucoBox Energy Comfort D400 and DucoBox Energy Comfort Plus

Instructions for maintenance of the fans of the DucoBox Energy Comfort D400 and DucoBox Energy Comfort Plus models.
Maintenance instructions , DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)
How do you install the Humidity sensor in the DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)?
Installation instructions , DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)
Installation pre-heater DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)

Installation pre-heater DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)

Install the pre-heater of the DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus) models without any problems thanks to this handy instruction video.
Installation instructions , DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)
Installation multi-zone valves DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)

Installation multi-zone valves DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)

Install the external multi-zone valves step by step on the duct system of the DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus) ventilation system.
Installation instructions , DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)
How to install the DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)?

How to install the DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus)?

This instructional video guides you through the process in a concise manner.
DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus) , Installation instructions
Replacing the circuit board of the DucoBox Silent

Replacing the circuit board of the DucoBox Silent

Replacing the printed circuit board of the DucoBox Silent? Follow the steps in this instructional video and it is done in no time!
DucoBox Silent , Maintenance instructions
Replacing the fan of the DucoBox Silent

Replacing the fan of the DucoBox Silent

Find out how to replace the fan of the DucoBox Silent in this video.
DucoBox Silent , Maintenance instructions
How to install the DucoBox Silent?

How to install the DucoBox Silent?

Find out step by step in this installation video.
DucoBox Silent , Installation instructions
Installing the DucoBox Silent Connect

Installing the DucoBox Silent Connect

Need any help installing the DucoBox Silent Connect? We will guide you through the process step by step in this video.
DucoBox Silent Connect , Installation instructions
How do you replace the circuit board in the DucoBox Silent Connect?
DucoBox Silent Connect , Maintenance instructions
Replacing the fan of the DucoBox Silent Connect

Replacing the fan of the DucoBox Silent Connect

Replace the fan in the DucoBox Silent Connect? Find out how to do it in this instructional video.
DucoBox Silent Connect , Maintenance instructions
Maintenance of the control valves in the DucoBox Focus

Maintenance of the control valves in the DucoBox Focus

Find out how to correctly service and replace the DucoBox Focus control valves (if necessary) in this instructional video.
DucoBox Focus , Maintenance instructions
How to maintain the fan of the DucoBox Focus?

How to maintain the fan of the DucoBox Focus?

Servicing or replacing the fan in the DucoBox Focus? Find out how to do it in this instructional video.
DucoBox Focus , Maintenance instructions
Maintenance of the circuit board DucoBox Focus

Maintenance of the circuit board DucoBox Focus

How do you check or replace the circuit board of the DucoBox Focus? Discover it step-by-step in this video.
DucoBox Focus , Maintenance instructions
How to install the DucoBox Focus?

How to install the DucoBox Focus?

View the procedure to correctly install the DucoBox Focus.
DucoBox Focus , Installation instructions
Installation of Remote controls & room sensors

Installation of Remote controls & room sensors

A complete mechanical ventilation system also includes remote controls and room sensors. Discover in this video how to correctly install these DucoBox control components.
Installation instructions
LED indications of Remote controls & room sensors

LED indications of Remote controls & room sensors

What do the various colours of the LED indication on DUCO remote controls and room sensors mean? Discover the meaning of each colour and the steps to follow in this video.
Maintenance instructions , Installation instructions
How to install the DucoBox Energy Premium?

How to install the DucoBox Energy Premium?

This instructional video briefly guides you through the process.
DucoBox Energy Premium , Installation instructions
Installing the RF / 230 VAC switch sensor

Installing the RF / 230 VAC switch sensor

Discover in this instructional video how to install the RF / 230 VAC switch sensor and what the application options are. 
Installation instructions
How to read error codes and error messages of a DucoBox?

How to read error codes and error messages of a DucoBox?

And what steps do you take to resolve the errors? Discover the answers in this video.
Maintenance instructions , DucoBox Focus , DucoBox Silent Connect , DucoBox Silent , DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus) , DucoBox Energy Premium
How to install the Duco Connectivity Board?

How to install the Duco Connectivity Board?

Discover in this video step-by-step how to install the Duco Connectivity Board on the DucoBox to be able to use the Duco Installation App.
Duco Installation App , DucoBox Energy Premium , DucoBox Focus , DucoBox Silent Connect , DucoBox Energy Comfort (Plus) , Installation instructions
Installing the DucoVent Comfort Valve

Installing the DucoVent Comfort Valve

Discover in this video how to install and adjust the DucoVent Comfort valve.
DucoVent , Installation instructions
How do you maintain the DucoVent Comfort valve?

How do you maintain the DucoVent Comfort valve?

Discover the method in this instructional video.
DucoVent , Maintenance instructions
Maintaining the DucoVent Design valve

Maintaining the DucoVent Design valve

View the maintenance instructions of the DucoVent Design exhaust vents in just a few steps.
DucoVent , Maintenance instructions
How do you install and adjust a DucoVent Design valve?

How do you install and adjust a DucoVent Design valve?

We will show you in this handy installation video!
Installation instructions , DucoVent
How to install the DucoVent Premium valve?

How to install the DucoVent Premium valve?

Discover the installation instructions of the DucoVent Premium by Prado vents in this concise video.
Installation instructions , DucoVent
How to maintain the DucoVent Premium valve?

How to maintain the DucoVent Premium valve?

Discover the method for correctly maintaining the DucoVent Premium vent.
Maintenance instructions , DucoVent
Installation DucoBox Energy Sky

Installation DucoBox Energy Sky

How do you install the DucoBox Energy Sky? This instructional video guides you through the process in a concise manner.
DucoBox Energy Sky , Installation instructions
DucoBox Energy Sky - Cleaning or replacing the filters

DucoBox Energy Sky - Cleaning or replacing the filters

Cleaning or replacing the filters on the DucoBox Energy Sky? Discover the procedure in this video.
DucoBox Energy Sky , Maintenance instructions
Installation EasyFit 50 'SR' & DucoFit 50 'SR'

Installation EasyFit 50 'SR' & DucoFit 50 'SR'

How do you install an EasyFit 50 'SR' or a DucoFit 50 'SR'? This video explains it to you step by step.
Installation instructions , Window ventilators
Maintenance EasyFit 50 'SR' & DucoFit 50 'SR'

Maintenance EasyFit 50 'SR' & DucoFit 50 'SR'

Cleaning an EasyFit 50 'SR' or a DucoFit 50 'ZR'? Discover the procedure in this video.
Maintenance instructions , Window ventilators
Installation CAP solar screens

Installation CAP solar screens

How do you install CAP solar screens? Find out in this installation video.
Installation instructions , Solar screen
Installation Tronic Control Unit

Installation Tronic Control Unit

How to install the Tronic Control Unit in a window ventilator? We will guide you through the process step by step in this video.
Installation instructions , Window ventilators

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Technical properties

Discover all the technical features in the technical datasheet.

Technische Eigenschaften

Entdecken Sie alle technischen Merkmale im technischen Datenblatt.